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Give the consumer control

Welcome to The Personalised Nutrition Community

This community is here to support a mix of cross-sectoral organisations working on personalised nutrition solutions. Together, we aim to boost business in personalised nutrition. To be able to do that, we need to understand the challenges that are too complicated to tackle on your own. With partners of the community we start concrete initiative to solve these ecosystem roadblocks.

But to bring personalised nutrition to the masses, companies need to create solutions that are desirable for the mass consumer, profitable for the companies, feasible to deliver and with a positive impact on society. To be able to pave the way for personalised nutrition solutions we have determined three priorites

  • Encourage and support successful business models bringing personalised nutrition to the masses.
  • Create dynamics to boost innovations in science and big data for personalised nutrition
  • Build a connected, supportive and knowledgeable personalised nutrition ecosystemC

VIPS: Vitality via Personalised Nutrition Solutions

This report is the result of partners from the Personalised Nutrition Community and their work on the VIPS programme. This initiative was launched in April 2023 at the Maeykehiem care facility in Friesland, the Netherlands, aiming to offer participants tailored nutrition advice to enhance their vitality. This report presents insights and feedback from the participants as well as some of the lessons we learned along the way that will help us build a Personalised Nutrition business model.

Put the consumer in control

We believe by using personalised nutrition, we can put consumers in control of their own health. It is my dream that in the future, consumer have a wearable, a smart watch, that automatically and continuously measures vitality, food intake and nutritional status based on which personalised, relevant and motivating nutritional advice is given.

The PN Community is a great place to build on. Ask questions, learn faster together. Getting unusual suspects on our minds. The approach is holistic. It starts from the strength of the whole. So why pioneer on your own?

Madelon Bracke – PhD Co-founder, CSO & Head of Bioscience Clear Bio  

We need to make the change from different disciplines. Representatives who all have a large constituency with knowledge and ability to scale up. Foodvalley brings these together and makes the conversation possible

Hanno Pijl –
Internist-endocrinologist and Professor of Diabetology 

Sustainability is key to my vision. It is a hygiene factor. Soon you won’t be able to distinguish yourself by it, only on losing if you don’t include it. This affects all fronts of food & health: consumer awareness, a food environment that makes healthy choices easier and the way companies contract out their catering, for instance. Foodvalley combines its focus areas from that sustainable perspective.

Marcel Pols – The right meal  


Food Boost Challenge

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Healthy Food

As part of the Food Boost Challenge, participants created showcases of targeted healthy products and services that compete against unhealthy ones. The challenge strongly focused on creating concepts that stimulate fruit and vegetables consumption by Dutch adolescents by working with the target population. The five winning concepts have been adopted by the companies involved.

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VIPS Pilot

Relevant for
Personalised Nutrition

The VIPS pilot (Vitality & Interaction via Personalisation Solutions) is a pilot driven by a multi-disciplinary coalition of selected Personalised Nutrition (PN) Partners to help better to understand the customer journey in a mass market setting.

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Personalised Nutrition Position Paper

Relevant for
Personalised Nutrition

Read the definition, status and future opportunities of personalised nutrition, defined by 53 stakeholders.

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Reduce obesity and malnutrition with personalised nutrition

Relevant for
Personalised Nutrition

Three initiatives received a Booster Award in 2021. They each received: 30,000 euros development budget, 1 year of monitoring, visibility of the initiative and access to a large international food network. The award is intended to encourage these initiatives that support the reduction and prevention of obesity through the use of personalised nutrition tools.

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